I'm excited to announce #themarriagewars is almost done! I'm in the last round of edits - the proofreading process which involves all the details of details that I am so thankful someone else is in charge of. I'm a big picture person - the ideas queen - the struggles to read directions in life woman. So thank you Atmosphere Press that you have a team of people who love details!

So my next steps:
1) Review proofreading
2) Plug plot holes....I can't tell you how many times this manuscript has been read. Not just by me, but with my betas and my editor AND today, I was going through it again AND found a plot hole. It has to do with the timeline and one character. So this weekend, my task is to plug that hole like #themarriagewars boat depends on it.
3) Add my author photo and author bio to the doc
4) Send all of it's glorified beauty back to AP and wait for what's next.
Fun side note - I got my cover reveal sent to me a few weeks ago AND I love it so much. I had a very particular cover in mind, but what was made makes so much more sense...again, why there are experts in this field outside of my writer self.
So, timeline - hopefully the book is done before Christmas. Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) go out in January to my #bookstagram crew and besties. And publication date is hopefully February...which looking back on all this and the universe's amazing involvement, will work out perfectly with key elements in the book's world.
Here we go ya'll!!!